Sunday, December 14, 2008

Redesign - Final?

Unforunately, I was unable to finish the last two. I know there are no excuses, but I did spend most of one week just trying to fix my laptop as well as getting a new one to function normally, and that took away a lot of time to work on this.

When I went back to finish The Little Mermaid and Sailor Moon, I found that I was having difficulties drawing in their styles again. I don't know if I just hadn't drawn in their styles in quite a while or if it's just because these are the last few days before vacation, but either way I was unable to complete those two. It bugs me that I couldn't complete them in time, I will be trying again even after this class is over--I want to get them done, even if it doesn't count for a grade at the time.

Also, the coloring on my new laptop is different than my older one, so the green on Gir is probably brighter than I had intended.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Redesigns #3

I feel like I wasn't able to do a whole lot this week because of Thanksgiving, but I did what I could.

My Wolfman/Wolfboy is done, except for actually making him spin.The Little Mermaid only needs her turnaround. I'm also thinking of changing some colors, but that's still debatable.
Sailor Moon is still in the inking phase for the action poses and head shots. I still need to do her turnarounds, as well.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Redesign: Wolfman

...or Wolfboy. Whichever.

And, because I said I would: photos of my wall that got mentioned last week.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


The four characters I plan on redesigning are The Little Mermaid, Sailor Moon, Wolfman, and Gir. I've got some action poses and headshots for both The Little Mermaid and Sailor Moon, and one pose for Wolfman. I don't have any turnaround drawings or anything for Gir, unfortunately. I've been having an off week when it comes to drawing, so I did what I could. I'm attempting each character in a different style so I can practice different Western cartoon styles.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Character Turnarounds - Final

Not much to say here. I tried my best to fix that leaning problem with the 3/4 views. I think I did a fairly good job, but there might still be some mistakes.

It was a lot of fun drawing Mr. Awesome in that rather odd running pose.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


This was my first time ever doing turnarounds, and I'm actually happy with how they came out. I noticed that my characters tend to lean in the 3/4 shots, which is something I tried to fix, but failed. I'll definitely have this fixed when they are inked and colored, but, for now, I don't want to destroy what I already have.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hero & Villain Characters

I decided to try a more Western style cartoon, but I can still definitely see some anime style in there. I do like drawing in this style, but it's definitely harder since I'm not used to it. Of course, I still prefer the anime style since I'm so used to that, but I think this will make a nice back-up style.

Tyler Peterson
19, Male
A wannabe hero. He's obsessed with the superhero TV show "Mr. Awesome" and believes that he could be a hero, too, even without super powers. He gets bored easily, but this is easily fixed when he decided that there is "danger" (i.e. a cat stuck in a tree) nearby. He spends a great deal of his time at the local candy shop, where he eats countless numbers of candy, sometimes when he can't even pay for it.

Jacob Grant
10, Male
A young boy who, as he is walking home from school, randomly gets chosen by Tyler to be his sidekick. Jacob thinks that Tyler is way too immature and just wants to go home. He believes that Tyler is going to get everyone in the entire town (and possibly a 10 mile radius surrounding the town) killed.

Abbie Wheeler
18, Female
A childhood friend of Tyler's who works at a candy shop. She seems to be the only one who doesn't get annoyed with Tyler. She feels bad for Jacob, but manages to convince him to stick around and play along. She's not afraid to give Tyler a swift punch if his mind starts to wander when he's being spoe

Mr. Awesome
28, Male
The star of the TV show "Mr. Awesome" where he plays the part of fictional hero Mr. Awesome. In real life, he uses his Mr. Awesome costume to disguise himself in order to rob banks. Oddly enough, everyone thinks it's just some random guy wearing a Mr. Awesome costume and never consider the real Mr. Awesome to be a bank robber.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008