Sunday, November 30, 2008

Redesigns #3

I feel like I wasn't able to do a whole lot this week because of Thanksgiving, but I did what I could.

My Wolfman/Wolfboy is done, except for actually making him spin.The Little Mermaid only needs her turnaround. I'm also thinking of changing some colors, but that's still debatable.
Sailor Moon is still in the inking phase for the action poses and head shots. I still need to do her turnarounds, as well.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Redesign: Wolfman

...or Wolfboy. Whichever.

And, because I said I would: photos of my wall that got mentioned last week.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


The four characters I plan on redesigning are The Little Mermaid, Sailor Moon, Wolfman, and Gir. I've got some action poses and headshots for both The Little Mermaid and Sailor Moon, and one pose for Wolfman. I don't have any turnaround drawings or anything for Gir, unfortunately. I've been having an off week when it comes to drawing, so I did what I could. I'm attempting each character in a different style so I can practice different Western cartoon styles.